
Yes, I want to try or use Articlefox!


If you only want to have a quick look at Articlefox, you can visit a running version here (username=guest, password=123). This is a real instance of Articlefox, but since the guest user has no privileges to create new articles and all his tasks have already been performed, there is nothing that you can change.


To try it out by yourself, you may download Articlefox from here. You have the choice between a standalone Java application or a Java web application, which runs inside an application server like Tomcat. Click here for the installation instructions of the standalone version, or here for the installation instructions of the web application version.


Instead of installing Articlefox on one of your own servers, you can get an instance hosted on this server by simply asking me:-) This has the advantage, that you don't need to have a server, you don't need to install Articlefox, you don't need to keep it up-to-date - you just get it ready for use!